خانه / جشنواره / Dear people of the new country: united Yemen

Dear people of the new country: united Yemen

In the name of God


Dear people of the new country: united Yemen      

           At your request: For the independence of your country, and for the liberation from the new US colonialism, you are hereby informed that: The matter was raised at the first meeting of the Supreme Council: the Islamic United Nations and agreed to your request. So you can have a Constitution and presidential election for yourself, like an independent country. Replace the People’s Police Force with the Federal Police, and use the National Army. If any country, including the United States, attacks you as an aggressor, fight him. You must occupy the U.N building for jobless and homeless people. Never connect by to party and election

It is your new Mark and flag

May God help you and keep you

Secretary General of the Islamic United Nations

Ahmad Hosseini


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